APU access
The Bristish Airways APU access platform is a safe and stable design for undertaking the replacement of Axiliary Power Units on a versatile range of aircraft including B747/ B777/ B787/ A330/ A340/ A350 and A380.
It can travel between 2.1 to 5.3m high and can lift up to 1.7 tonnes.
It is tow-able and complies to the standards and regulations and is tested and certified as a MEWP (Mobile Elevating Work Platform).
The structure is equipped with a Screw jack motion system of 60mm dia spindles for a 9mm pitch which could lift up to 150kN.
For beams IPB180 are used on the for corners where some u channel profiles are mounted to the help design to take some of the axial load.
The platform is floating on 2 axis on its 4 corner brackets. This corrects and absorbs any geometrical default within a margin of +10/-10mm.
The platform weighs 2T and can take up to 1.7T.
It includes 2 sets of twin sliding gates used for the loading/unloading of the APU on its cradle. Both gates are fitted with integral locking systems isolating the power and allowing only one to be opened at a time.
All ways to access the platform at any level comply with the standards and regulations and allow for emergency escape at any time.
A fixed stair and platform is used to access the equipment at 2.1m by a swing gate.
Other positions can be accessed from 3.5 to 5.3m hg via a high variation stair case grabbed or dropped by the platform on its way up or down.