The future of the planet is in the hands of an alien who arrives on Earth at a pivotal moment in history.
The awarded and well aclaimed series The Man Who Fell To Earth, sequel of the cult film of the same name starring David Bowie in 1976.
I have worked with Artem Special Effects on some very tight deadlines to create multiple sets and props that were used for the series shooting where artwork expectations, quality and functionality were critical.
“Space Travel Capsule”
This Geodesic Space Capsule into which C.Ejiofor aka Faraday travels was remodeled from scratch and brokekdown in record time.
( 1 ) 4x types of polygons (Hex and Pentagones) were necessary to compose this polyhedron. All faces are welded after being carefully placed with the help of some jig+wedge plates ( 2 ).
( 2 ) Grp molded Honeycomb protrusion upholster the polygons inside surfaces.
( 3 ) A wide opening to the front as well as uncovered polygon faces allow lights and filming material in.
( 5 ) The Geodesic capsule is secured on a steel foot.
The so-called “Wedding Cake”
Another part of the project was to design-engineer and breakdown what was called the “Wedding Cake”.
Faraday finds his predecessor’s work hidden in the ‘Wedding Cake’ in a deserted building;
Acylindrical display unit 2.6m diameter ( 1 ) with ten double-skinned clear acrylic screens, arranged on a carousel that was rigged to rise up out from a suspended steel floor. The whole unit was fitted onto a telescoping base tube, mounted onto the studio floor 4m below the set ( 3 ).
( 2 ) The screens could be rotated by hand and two of them were mounted on 2x telescopic slides (above & below), so that they could be pulled outwards horizontally, away from the hub.
The ten screens were equipped with LED strips pointing inwards so that the light spread through the acrylic panels.